Bifurcation, led by Professor Mark Burry, was to design a ten meters column using the same principles of the Gaudí column. Exploring different branching structures and column bifurcation possibilities through digital algorithms and physical prototyping.


Design logics of the Bifurcation/Braching

Design logics of the birfurcation

Branching at different levels




Making of a Column. Time taken- 3hours


Three columns designed with the same design principles

3 columns made with the gaudi principles



Project Credits


Bifurcation is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed in Master in Advanced Architecture :

Students: Inthat Ueasak-Aree, Thora H Arnardottir, Sameera Chukkapalli, Jakub Havlik

TutorMark Burry

Assistant: Rodrigo Aguirre